Who is Dev Patel?

Q: Who is Dev Patel?

A: Dev Patel is a British movie and television actor.

Q: When was Dev Patel born?

A: Dev Patel was born on 23 April 1990.

Q: What is the ethnicity of Dev Patel's parents?

A: Dev Patel's Gujarati Hindu parents were born in Nairobi.

Q: Where was Dev Patel born?

A: The text does not mention where Dev Patel was born.

Q: What is Dev Patel's nationality?

A: Dev Patel's nationality is British.

Q: What is the profession of Dev Patel?

A: Dev Patel is an actor in movies and television shows.

Q: Is Dev Patel related to any other famous personality?

A: The text does not suggest that Dev Patel is related to any other famous personality.

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