Where is AeronautX Luftfahrtschule located?
Q: Where is AeronautX Luftfahrtschule located?
A: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule is located in Linz, Austria.
Q: When was AeronautX Luftfahrtschule created?
A: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule was created in 1998.
Q: What is AeronautX Luftfahrtschule well known for?
A: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule is well known for its partnership with the airline FlyNikki.
Q: Is AeronautX Luftfahrtschule a member of any aviation association?
A: Yes, AeronautX Luftfahrtschule is a member of the International Association of Aviation Personnel Schools.
Q: Does AeronautX Luftfahrtschule offer flight training programs?
A: Yes, AeronautX Luftfahrtschule is a flight school, and therefore offers flight training programs.
Q: How long has AeronautX Luftfahrtschule been operating as a flight school?
A: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule has been operating as a flight school since its creation in 1998.
Q: What kind of aviation personnel schools is AeronautX Luftfahrtschule a member of?
A: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule is a member of the International Association of Aviation Personnel Schools.