When and where was David Fanshawe born?

Q: When and where was David Fanshawe born?

A: David Fanshawe was born on April 19, 1942, in Devon, England.

Q: What was David Fanshawe known for?

A: David Fanshawe was known for being an English composer and explorer.

Q: Did David Fanshawe compose a lot of music?

A: Yes, David Fanshawe wrote a large amount of music, especially for television programmes.

Q: What is David Fanshawe's most famous composition?

A: David Fanshawe's best-known composition is a choral work called African Sanctus.

Q: When did David Fanshawe pass away?

A: David Fanshawe died on July 5, 2010.

Q: What genre of music did David Fanshawe specialize in?

A: David Fanshawe specialized in a variety of genres, including choral music and music for television programmes.

Q: Was David Fanshawe also an explorer?

A: Yes, in addition to being a composer, David Fanshawe was also an explorer.

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