When and where was Daniel Ricciardo born?

Q: When and where was Daniel Ricciardo born?

A: Daniel Ricciardo was born on July 1, 1989, in Perth, Western Australia.

Q: What was Daniel Ricciardo’s accomplishment in 2009?

A: In 2009, Daniel Ricciardo won the British Formula Three Championship.

Q: What is Daniel Ricciardo’s profession?

A: Daniel Ricciardo is a racing driver.

Q: Where does Daniel Ricciardo currently race?

A: Daniel Ricciardo currently races in Formula 1 for the team McLaren.

Q: Has Daniel Ricciardo won any championships in Formula 1?

A: Daniel Ricciardo has not won any championships in Formula 1.

Q: Is Daniel Ricciardo from Australia?

A: Yes, Daniel Ricciardo is from Australia.

Q: In what year did Daniel Ricciardo win the British Formula Three Championship?

A: Daniel Ricciardo won the British Formula Three Championship in 2009.

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