Who is Daniel Olivares Viniegra?

Q: Who is Daniel Olivares Viniegra?

A: Daniel Olivares Viniegra is a Mexican writer and poet.

Q: When was Daniel Olivares Viniegra born?

A: He was born in 1961.

Q: In what literary group is Daniel Olivares Viniegra a member?

A: Daniel Olivares Viniegra is a member of the literary group El Comité.

Q: What is the name of the magazine's editorial committee in which Olivares is a member?

A: Olivares is a member of the editorial committee of the magazine El Comité 1973.

Q: Has Olivares won any literary award? If so, which one?

A: Yes, Olivares won the third international award Poesía Navachiste in 1995.

Q: Where is Olivares from?

A: The text does not provide information about Olivares' place of origin.

Q: What is Olivares' profession?

A: The text does not provide information on Olivares' profession.

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