What is Damien Hirst's date of birth?

Q: What is Damien Hirst's date of birth?

A: Damien Hirst was born on 7 June 1965.

Q: Who are the Young British Artists (YBAs)?

A: The Young British Artists (YBAs) are a group of artists who became famous during the 1990s. Damien Hirst is one of them.

Q: How much wealth did the Sunday Times estimate that Damien Hirst had in 2010?

A: In 2010, the Sunday Times estimated that Damien Hirst had £215 million in wealth.

Q: What type of artworks did Damien Hirst become famous for?

A: Damien Hirst became famous for a series of artworks in which dead animals were preserved in formaldehyde, such as The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, which was a tiger shark immersed in formaldehyde in a transparent display case. He also made "spin paintings" and "spot paintings".

Q: When did Charles Saatchi and Damien Hirst end their friendship?

A: Charles Saatchi and Damien Hirst ended their friendship in 2003.

Q: What record did Damian Hirst break with his 2008 auction at Sotheby's?

A: In September 2008, Damian Hirst sold all the artworks from his show during an auction at Sotheby's, breaking records for both an auction by a single artist and his own record with £10.3 million for The Golden Calf, an animal with 18-carat gold horns and hooves preserved in formaldehyde.

Q:What happened when it was discovered that some of Damian Hurst’s works were plagiarised?

A:When it was discovered that some of Damian Hurst’s works were plagiarised, he was sued by the original creator of the toy and they settled out-of-court.

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