When and where was Chris Gascoyne born?

Q: When and where was Chris Gascoyne born?

A: Chris Gascoyne was born on 31 January 1968 in England.

Q: What is Chris Gascoyne known for?

A: Chris Gascoyne is known for his role as the seventh Peter Barlow in the long-running ITV soap opera Coronation Street.

Q: Has Chris Gascoyne won any accolades for his portrayal of Peter Barlow?

A: Chris Gascoyne has been nominated for several accolades at the British Soap Awards for his portrayal of Peter Barlow.

Q: When did Chris Gascoyne first play the role of Peter Barlow?

A: Chris Gascoyne first played the role of Peter Barlow in 2000.

Q: When did Chris Gascoyne stop playing the role of Peter Barlow?

A: Chris Gascoyne stopped playing the role of Peter Barlow in 2003 but returned to the show in 2007 and is still portraying the character.

Q: Apart from Coronation Street, has Chris Gascoyne acted in any other TV shows or movies?

A: It is not mentioned in the given text if Chris Gascoyne has acted in any other TV shows or movies.

Q: What kind of actor is Chris Gascoyne?

A: Chris Gascoyne is an English actor.

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