What is biodegradation?
Q: What is biodegradation?
A: Biodegradation is a chemical process in which materials are dissolved by bacteria or other biological elements.
Q: What does it mean if a material is biodegradable?
A: If a material is biodegradable, it means that it can be consumed by microorganisms and turned into compounds that are natural.
Q: Why is biodegradation important?
A: Biodegradation is important in ecology and waste management as it helps to break down materials and turn them into natural compounds.
Q: Are all organic materials biodegradable?
A: Yes, all organic materials such as those that come from plants and animals can be degraded aerobically (with oxygen) or anaerobically (without oxygen).
Q: Can inorganic materials be biodegraded?
A: Yes, some artificial or inorganic materials can also be biodegraded.
Q: Is it possible to identify specific microorganisms that are able to biodegrade materials?
A: Yes, it is possible to identify specific microorganisms that are able to biodegrade materials.
Q: What conditions are needed for biodegradation to occur?
A: Most microorganisms that help biodegradation need light, heat, water and oxygen.