What is Charles Yuji Horioka's nationality?

Q: What is Charles Yuji Horioka's nationality?

A: Charles Yuji Horioka is a Japanese-American economist.

Q: Where did he earn his B.A. and Ph.D.?

A: He earned his B.A. and Ph.D degrees from Harvard University.

Q: What type of research does he specialize in?

A: He mainly studies macroeconomics, household and family economics, the Japanese economy, and other Asian economies.

Q: When was the article "Domestic Saving and International Capital Flows" published?

A: The article "Domestic Saving and International Capital Flows" was published by Economic Journal in 1980.

Q: What did this article show?

A: This article showed a positive correlation between long-term savings and investment rates across countries, which is now known as the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle.

Q: Who wrote this article with Martin Feldstein?

A: Charles Yuji Horioka wrote this article with Martin Feldstein called "Domestic Saving and International Capital Flows."

Q: What award did he win in 2001?

A: In 2001, Horioka won the Seventh Japanese Economic Association Nakahara Prize

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