What is Caroline Kennedy's full name and birthdate?

Q: What is Caroline Kennedy's full name and birthdate?

A: Caroline Kennedy's full name is Caroline Bouvier Kennedy and she was born on November 27, 1957.

Q: What are Caroline Kennedy's professions?

A: Caroline Kennedy is an author, attorney, and diplomat.

Q: Which country is Caroline Kennedy currently serving as Ambassador?

A: Caroline Kennedy is currently serving as the United States Ambassador to Australia.

Q: Which other country did Caroline Kennedy serve as Ambassador prior to serving in Australia?

A: Caroline Kennedy served as the United States Ambassador to Japan from 2013 to 2017.

Q: Who are Caroline Kennedy's parents?

A: Caroline Kennedy's parents are former President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Q: Is Caroline Kennedy the only child of her parents?

A: No, Caroline Kennedy is not the only child of her parents.

Q: How long has Caroline Kennedy been serving as US Ambassador?

A: Caroline Kennedy has been serving as a US Ambassador since 2013.

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