Where was Carey Price born?

Q: Where was Carey Price born?

A: Carey Price was born in Anahim Lake, British Columbia.

Q: What is Carey Price's profession?

A: Carey Price is a professional ice hockey goaltender.

Q: What team does Carey Price play for?

A: Carey Price plays for the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League.

Q: What is Carey Price's nationality?

A: Carey Price is a Canadian.

Q: What position does Carey Price play in ice hockey?

A: Carey Price is a goaltender in ice hockey.

Q: When was Carey Price born?

A: Carey Price was born on August 16, 1987.

Q: Where is the team Montreal Canadiens located?

A: The Montreal Canadiens are located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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