Where is Bruksvallarna located?

Q: Where is Bruksvallarna located?

A: Bruksvallarna is located in Härjedalen Municipality in Jämtland County, Sweden.

Q: How many people lived in Bruksvallarna in 2010?

A: In 2010, 95 people lived in Bruksvallarna.

Q: What is the elevation of Bruksvallarna?

A: Bruksvallarna is 720 meters above sea level.

Q: What is the name of the cross-country skiing competition held in Bruksvallarna?

A: The cross-country skiing competition held in Bruksvallarna is called Bruksvallsloppet.

Q: When is the Bruksvallsloppet held?

A: The Bruksvallsloppet is held in November each year.

Q: Is Bruksvallarna a major or minor locality?

A: Bruksvallarna is a minor locality.

Q: In which county is Bruksvallarna located?

A: Bruksvallarna is located in Jämtland County, Sweden.

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