Who is Brendan Fraser?

Q: Who is Brendan Fraser?

A: Brendan Fraser is an American-Canadian actor.

Q: When was Brendan Fraser born?

A: Brendan Fraser was born on December 3, 1968.

Q: In how many movies has Brendan Fraser acted?

A: Brendan Fraser has acted in many movies throughout his career.

Q: Can you name some movies Brendan Fraser has acted in?

A: Yes, some movies Brendan Fraser has acted in include: The Mummy movies, The Quiet American, Crash, George of the Jungle, and Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Q: What is Brendan Fraser known for?

A: Brendan Fraser is known for his acting career in Hollywood movies.

Q: Is Brendan Fraser only American or does he have dual citizenship?

A: Brendan Fraser is an American-Canadian actor, so he has dual citizenship.

Q: Has Brendan Fraser won any awards for his acting?

A: Yes, Brendan Fraser has won awards for his acting. For example, he won a Screen Actors Guild Award for his role in the film "Gods and Monsters."

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