When was Bill Bixby born?

Q: When was Bill Bixby born?

A: Bill Bixby was born on January 22, 1934 in San Francisco, California.

Q: What is he known for?

A: He is known for the role of David Banner in the TV series The Incredible Hulk.

Q: How old was he when he died?

A: He was 59 years old when he died.

Q: Where did Bill Bixby die?

A: Bill Bixby died from complications of prostate cancer in Los Angeles.

Q: What year did he pass away?

A: He passed away in 1993.

Q: What type of cancer did he have?

A: He had prostate cancer.

Q: Was Bill Bixby an actor, director or producer?

A; He was an actor, director and producer.

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