When was Billy Boyd born?

Q: When was Billy Boyd born?

A: Billy Boyd was born on August 28, 1968, in Glasgow.

Q: What is Billy Boyd known for?

A: Billy Boyd is best known for his roles as Peregrin Took in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and Barrett Bonden in Peter Weir's movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.

Q: In which movie did Billy Boyd play the character of Peregrin Took?

A: Billy Boyd played the character of Peregrin Took in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy.

Q: What other than acting has Billy Boyd done?

A: It is not mentioned in the text whether Billy Boyd has done anything other than acting.

Q: What is the title of the movie in which Billy Boyd played the character of Barrett Bonden?

A: The title of the movie in which Billy Boyd played the character of Barrett Bonden is Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.

Q: When was the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy released?

A: The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy was released in 2001-2003.

Q: Who directed the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World?

A: The movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World was directed by Peter Weir.

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