Where was Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger born?
Q: Where was Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger born?
A: Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger was born in Lima, Ohio on March 2, 1982.
Q: What sports did he play in high school?
A: In high school, Roethlisberger played football, basketball and baseball.
Q: What college did he attend?
A: Roethlisberger attended Miami University in Oxford for college.
Q: When was he drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers?
A: Roethlisberger was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2004.
Q: When did he win his first Super Bowl?
A: On February 5, 2006, Roethlisberger became the youngest quarterback to win a Super Bowl at only 23 years old.
Q: How many Pro Bowls has he played in?
A: He has played in one Pro Bowl which took place in 2007.
Q: When did he announce his retirement from the NFL?
A; On January 27, 2022, Roethlisberger announced that he was retiring from the NFL.