Who was Babrak Karmal?

Q: Who was Babrak Karmal?

A: Babrak Karmal was an Afghan politician.

Q: How did Karmal become President of Afghanistan?

A: Karmal was made President of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Soviet-Afghan War.

Q: Who replaced Karmal as President of Afghanistan?

A: Mohammad Najibullah replaced Babrak Karmal as President of Afghanistan.

Q: Why was Karmal exiled to Moscow?

A: Following his loss of power, Karmal was exiled to Moscow.

Q: When was Karmal deposed as President of Afghanistan?

A: Babrak Karmal was deposed as President of Afghanistan under Mikhail Gorbachev.

Q: Who led the Soviet Union during Karmal's deposition?

A: Mikhail Gorbachev led the Soviet Union during Babrak Karmal's deposition.

Q: What was the period in which Karmal became President of Afghanistan known for?

A: Karmal becoming President of Afghanistan was at the beginning of the Soviet-Afghan War.

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