When and where was August Belmont born?

Q: When and where was August Belmont born?

A: August Belmont was born on December 8, 1813, in Alzey, Hesse.

Q: What was August Belmont's profession and when did he move to New York City?

A: August Belmont was the American representative of the Rothschild family's banking house in Frankfurt, and he moved to New York City in 1837 to pursue this profession.

Q: What was August Belmont's citizenship?

A: August Belmont became an American citizen.

Q: Whom did August Belmont marry?

A: August Belmont married Caroline Slidell Perry, the daughter of Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry.

Q: Was August Belmont's family Jewish?

A: Yes, August Belmont was born into a Jewish family.

Q: What was August Belmont's role as the American representative of the Rothschild banking house?

A: August Belmont was responsible for representing the Rothschild family's banking interests in the United States.

Q: When did August Belmont pass away?

A: August Belmont passed away on November 24, 1890.

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