What is Audrey Justine Tautou's date of birth?

Q: What is Audrey Justine Tautou's date of birth?

A: Audrey Justine Tautou was born on 9 August 1976 in Beaumont.

Q: What was her acting debut?

A: Her acting debut was at 18 on television and the following year in the feature film Venus Beauty Institute (1999).

Q: What award did she win for her performance in Venus Beauty Institute?

A: She won the César Award for Most Promising Actress for her performance in Venus Beauty Institute.

Q: What movie made her a box office success?

A: She achieved box office success with the 2001 film Amélie.

Q: How many times has she been nominated for the César Award and BAFTA Award?

A: She has been nominated three times for the César Award and twice for the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.

Q: When did she become a member of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS)?

A: She became a member of AMPAS since 1 September 2006, after being invited to join in June 2004.

Q:What companies has she modeled for ?

A:She has modeled for companies such as Chanel, Montblanc, L'Oréal, and others.

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