Who was Art Clokey?

Q: Who was Art Clokey?

A: Art Clokey was an American animator who was one of the first people to make stop motion clay animation popular.

Q: When did Art Clokey's work start?

A: Art Clokey's work began in 1955 with a short movie called Gumbasia.

Q: Who influenced Art Clokey's work?

A: Art Clokey's work was influenced by his professor at the University of Southern California, Slavko Vorkapich.

Q: What characters did Art Clokey and his wife create?

A: Art Clokey and his wife Ruth created the clay character Gumby and his horse Pokey.

Q: Where did Gumby and Pokey first appear?

A: Gumby and Pokey first appeared in the Howdy Doody Show.

Q: What was the name of the series that Gumby and Pokey later got their own?

A: Gumby and Pokey later got their own series called The Adventures of Gumby.

Q: When did Art Clokey pass away?

A: Art Clokey passed away on January 8, 2010.

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