Who was Antoine Busnois?

Q: Who was Antoine Busnois?

A: Antoine Busnois was a French composer and poet of the early Renaissance Burgundian School.

Q: How do you pronounce Antoine Busnois' name?

A: Antoine Busnois' name is pronounced "AN-twun bew-NWAH".

Q: Did Antoine Busnois also compose secular music?

A: Yes, Antoine Busnois also composed secular (non-religious) chansons.

Q: What type of church music did Antoine Busnois write?

A: Antoine Busnois wrote church music, such as motets.

Q: Was Antoine Busnois an important composer?

A: Yes, Antoine Busnois was the most important composer of the late Burgundian school after the death of Guillaume Dufay.

Q: When was Antoine Busnois born?

A: Antoine Busnois was born about 1430.

Q: When did Antoine Busnois die?

A: Antoine Busnois died on November 6, 1492.

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