Who is Andrew Stanton?

Q: Who is Andrew Stanton?

A: Andrew Christopher Stanton is an American movie director, producer, screenwriter and voice actor.

Q: When was Andrew Stanton born?

A: Andrew Stanton was born on December 3, 1965.

Q: Where did Andrew Stanton work?

A: Andrew Stanton began working at Pixar in 1990.

Q: What is Andrew Stanton known for?

A: Andrew Stanton is known for his work as a movie director, producer, screenwriter and voice actor.

Q: What was Andrew Stanton's first job in the entertainment industry?

A: Andrew Stanton's first job was at Pixar, where he began working in 1990.

Q: How long has Andrew Stanton been working in the movie industry?

A: Andrew Stanton has been working in the movie industry since he began working at Pixar in 1990.

Q: What are Andrew Stanton's primary roles in the entertainment industry?

A: Andrew Stanton's primary roles in the entertainment industry are movie director, producer, screenwriter, and voice actor.

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