Who is Sir Andrew Frank Davis?

Q: Who is Sir Andrew Frank Davis?

A: Sir Andrew Frank Davis is a British conductor.

Q: Where was he born?

A: He was born in Ashridge, Hertfordshire.

Q: What did he study?

A: He studied at the Royal College of Music, King's College Cambridge (where he was an organ scholar), and in Rome with Franco Ferrara.

Q: What job did he take in 1970?

A: In 1970, he took his first important job as associate conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.

Q: When did he become music director at Glyndebourne?

A: He became music director at Glyndebourne in 1988.

Q: When did Queen Elizabeth II make him a CBE?

A: Queen Elizabeth II made him a CBE in May 1992.

Q: What post did Davis hold with the BBC Symphony Orchestra from 1989 to 2000?

A: From 1989 to 2000, Davis held the post of Chief Conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

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