What does AASHTO stand for?
Q: What does AASHTO stand for?
A: AASHTO stands for American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Q: What is the purpose of AASHTO?
A: The purpose of AASHTO is to set standards and publish specifications, quality control protocols, and guidelines for highway design and construction throughout the United States.
Q: Does AASHTO only represent highways?
A: No, AASHTO represents air, rail, water, and public transportation as well as highways.
Q: Is AASHTO a government body?
A: No, AASHTO is not a government body.
Q: What type of authority does AASHTO have?
A: AASHTO possesses quasi-governmental powers in the sense that organizations supplying its members customarily obey most AASHTO decisions.
Q: Does AASHTO only publish standards or do they perform other functions?
A: Besides publishing standards, AASHTO performs or cooperates in research projects.
Q: Is AASHTO organization limited to the United States?
A: Yes, AASHTO is limited to highways and transportation in the United States.