Who is Alim Qasimov?

Q: Who is Alim Qasimov?

A: Alim Qasimov is an Azerbaijani musician and one of the foremost mugam singers in Azerbaijan.

Q: What is the International Music Council-UNESCO Music Prize?

A: The International Music Council-UNESCO Music Prize is one of the highest international honors for music.

Q: When was Alim Qasimov born?

A: Alim Qasimov was born in 1957.

Q: How is Alim Qasimov's music characterized?

A: Alim Qasimov's music is characterized by his vocal improvisation, which is a move away from the traditional style of mugham.

Q: How many albums has Alim Qasimov recorded?

A: Alim Qasimov has recorded nine albums.

Q: How many of Alim Qasimov's albums are mugham albums with his daughter?

A: Three of Alim Qasimov's albums are mugham albums with his daughter, Ferghana Qasimova.

Q: What musical genre is Alim Qasimov associated with?

A: Alim Qasimov is associated with mugam, which is a traditional genre of Azerbaijani music.

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