What is Alexis Margaret Herman's date of birth?
Q: What is Alexis Margaret Herman's date of birth?
A: Alexis Margaret Herman was born on July 16, 1947 in Mobile, Alabama.
Q: Where did she earn her high school diploma?
A: She earned her high school diploma in 1965 from the Heart of Mary High School.
Q: What college did she attend after high school?
A: After graduating from high school, she went to Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin and Spring Hill College in Mobile before switching to Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans.
Q: What degree did she receive from Xavier University?
A: She received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Xavier University in 1969.
Q: What position did Jimmy Carter appoint her to when he became President?
A: When Jimmy Carter became President, he appointed her as Director of the Labor Department's Women's Bureau. At age 29, she was the youngest person to ever serve in that position.
Q: What consulting firm did Herman found after leaving the White House Office of Public Liaison?
A: In 1981, Herman founded her own consulting firm - A.M. Herman & Associates - where she served as president while remaining active in Democratic politics.
Q: Was an independent counsel investigation launched against Herman during Clinton's second term as Secretary of Labor ? A: Yes , an independent counsel investigated her for taking cash bribes and/or illegal campaign donations as an assistant to Clinton from 1994 to 1996 .