When was Alexander Urbom born?
Q: When was Alexander Urbom born?
A: Alexander Urbom was born on December 20th, 1990.
Q: In which position does Alexander Urbom play in ice hockey?
A: Alexander Urbom plays as a defenseman in ice hockey.
Q: Which team is Alexander Urbom currently playing for?
A: Currently, Alexander Urbom plays for the Albany Devils.
Q: Who drafted Alexander Urbom in the 2009 NHL Draft?
A: The New Jersey Devils drafted Alexander Urbom in the third round, 73rd overall, in the 2009 NHL Draft.
Q: What is Alexander Urbom's nationality in terms of ice hockey?
A: Alexander Urbom is a Swedish professional ice hockey player.
Q: What is Alexander Urbom's position in the Albany Devils team?
A: Alexander Urbom plays as a defenseman in the Albany Devils team.
Q: When was Alexander Urbom drafted into the NHL?
A: Alexander Urbom was drafted into the NHL in the year 2009.