When was Alessandro Matri born?

Q: When was Alessandro Matri born?

A: Alessandro Matri was born on August 19, 1984.

Q: What is Alessandro Matri's profession?

A: Alessandro Matri is a football player.

Q: Which team does Alessandro Matri play for?

A: Alessandro Matri is currently on loan from Sassuolo and is playing for Brescia.

Q: Is Alessandro Matri a part of the Italy national team?

A: Yes, Alessandro Matri is a part of the Italy national team.

Q: What is the age of Alessandro Matri?

A: As of 2021, Alessandro Matri is 37 years old.

Q: What position does Alessandro Matri play in football?

A: The information is not given in the text.

Q: Which club did Alessandro Matri join from Sassuolo on loan?

A: Alessandro Matri joined Brescia on loan from Sassuolo.

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