What is (99942) Apophis?
Q: What is (99942) Apophis?
A: (99942) Apophis is a near-Earth asteroid.
Q: Why did Apophis worry people in December 2004?
A: Apophis worried people in December 2004 because initial observations seemed to show that it would hit the Earth in 2029.
Q: What is a "gravitational keyhole"?
A: A "gravitational keyhole" is an area in space no more than about 400 meters across that an object can pass through, which can affect its trajectory and potentially cause it to collide with the Earth.
Q: Why was Apophis considered a Level 1 danger on the Torino impact hazard scale?
A: Apophis was considered a Level 1 danger on the Torino impact hazard scale until August 2006 because it was thought to have a high probability of hitting the Earth in 2036.
Q: When was Apophis lowered to a Level 0 on the Torino Scale?
A: Apophis was lowered to a Level 0 on the Torino Scale on August 5, 2006.
Q: What is the probability that Apophis will hit the Earth on April 13, 2036?
A: As of October 19, 2006, the probability that Apophis will hit the Earth on April 13, 2036 is around 1 in 45,000.
Q: Is there a chance that Apophis will hit the Earth in 2038?
A: Yes, there is a chance that Apophis could hit the Earth in 2038, but the probability for that encounter is much lower at 1 in 12.3 million.