What is 70 Virginis b?

Q: What is 70 Virginis b?

A: 70 Virginis b is an extrasolar planet that orbits a star in the constellation of Virgo.

Q: How far away from Earth is 70 Virginis b?

A: 70 Virginis b is around 60 light-years away from Earth.

Q: Who discovered 70 Virginis b?

A: 70 Virginis b was discovered by astronomers Geoffrey Marcy and R. Paul Butler and announced in 1996.

Q: Was 70 Virginis b the first extrasolar planet discovered?

A: No, but it was one of the first stars known to have planets orbiting it.

Q: Was 70 Virginis b thought to be inside its star's habitable zone when first announced?

A: Yes, 70 Virginis b was thought to be inside its star's habitable zone when first announced.

Q: What was later found about 70 Virginis b's orbit?

A: It was later found that 70 Virginis b has an eccentric orbit that is closer to its parent star.

Q: Is 70 Virginis b still considered potentially habitable?

A: No, due to the eccentric and closer orbit to its star, 70 Virginis b is no longer considered potentially habitable.

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