What is 704 Interamnia?
Q: What is 704 Interamnia?
A: 704 Interamnia is a large asteroid that scientists estimate to be 350 kilometers wide.
Q: When was 704 Interamnia discovered?
A: 704 Interamnia was discovered on October 2, 1910 by Vincenzo Cerulli.
Q: What is the meaning behind the name 704 Interamnia?
A: The name 704 Interamnia comes from the Latin name for Teramo, Italy, which is where Cerulli worked.
Q: How far is 704 Interamnia from the Sun?
A: 704 Interamnia's mean distance from the Sun is approximately 3.067 (AU).
Q: What is the mass of 704 Interamnia compared to other asteroids?
A: Scientists believe that 704 Interamnia is the fifth heaviest asteroid after Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea, making up around 2.0% of the mass of the entire asteroid belt.
Q: Who discovered 704 Interamnia?
A: 704 Interamnia was discovered by Vincenzo Cerulli in 1910.
Q: What is the significance of 704 Interamnia's name?
A: The name 704 Interamnia is derived from the Latin name for Teramo, Italy, where Vincenzo Cerulli made his discovery.