How many stores does 7-Eleven have as of January 2016?
Q: How many stores does 7-Eleven have as of January 2016?
A: 7-Eleven owns around 58,300 stores as of January 2016.
Q: In how many countries is 7-Eleven present?
A: 7-Eleven is present in 17 different countries.
Q: Where is the first 7-Eleven store located?
A: The first 7-Eleven store is located in the city of Dallas.
Q: Who owns Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd.?
A: Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. is owned by the holding company Seven & I Holdings Co.
Q: In which city is Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. located?
A: Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. is located in Tokyo.
Q: What type of stores are 7-Eleven stores?
A: 7-Eleven stores are convenience stores.
Q: Is 7-Eleven a national or international brand?
A: 7-Eleven is an international brand.