What is 624 Hektor?
Q: What is 624 Hektor?
A: 624 Hektor is the biggest of the Jovian Trojan asteroids. It was discovered in 1907 by August Kopff and is a dark and reddish D-type asteroid.
Q: Where does 624 Hektor lie?
A: 624 Hektor lies in Jupiter's leading Lagrangian point, L4, which is also known as the 'Greek' node after one of the two sides in the legendary Trojan War.
Q: What is unique about 624 Hektor?
A: 624 Hektor is one of the most stretched bodies of its size in the solar system, being 370 × 200 km. Additionally, it is believed to be a contact binary (two asteroids joined by gravitational attraction) like 216 Kleopatra and it has been confirmed to have a 15-km moon at 1000 km from it - making it so far, the only known binary Trojan asteroid in the L4 point and the first Trojan with a moon.
Q: Who discovered 624 Hektor?
A: 624 Hektor was discovered by August Kopff in 1907.
Q: What colour is 624 Hektor?
A: 624 Hektor has a dark and reddish colour due to it being classified as a D-type asteroid.
Q: How big is 624 Hektor compared to other objects its size?
A: Compared to other objects its size,624Hektorsizeis370×200kmwhichmakesitoneofthemoststretchedbodiesofitsizeinthesolarsystem.