What are 6-plus-6-instruments?
Q: What are 6-plus-6-instruments?
A: 6-plus-6-instruments are musical instruments that have 12 tones, and their keys or cords are arranged in two rows.
Q: What is the distance between the tones in each row?
A: The distance between the tones in each row is a whole-tone distance.
Q: What is the distance between the two rows?
A: The distance between the two rows is a half-tone distance.
Q: How many scales have the same fingering on 6-plus-6-instruments?
A: There are six scales with the same fingering when the base tone is in the same row.
Q: How many scales have the same fingering on a piano with a Janko keyboard?
A: There are twelve scales with the same fingering on a piano with a Janko keyboard when there is a third row that is the same as the first row.
Q: What is the advantage of having the same fingering in multiple scales?
A: The advantage of having the same fingering in multiple scales is that it saves time and effort for the musician to learn and play each scale.
Q: Is the Janko keyboard the only type of keyboard that can have twelve scales with the same fingering?
A: No, the Janko keyboard is not the only type of keyboard that can have twelve scales with the same fingering, but it is an example of a keyboard that can have this feature.