What is 43 Ariadne?
Q: What is 43 Ariadne?
A: 43 Ariadne is a main belt asteroid.
Q: Is it a big asteroid?
A: Yes, 43 Ariadne is a fairly large asteroid.
Q: What is the Flora asteroid family?
A: The Flora asteroid family is a group of asteroids in the main asteroid belt.
Q: How does 43 Ariadne relate to the Flora asteroid family?
A: 43 Ariadne is the second-largest member of the Flora asteroid family.
Q: Who discovered 43 Ariadne?
A: N. R. Pogson discovered 43 Ariadne on April 15, 1857.
Q: What is 43 Ariadne named after?
A: 43 Ariadne is named after the Greek heroine Ariadne.
Q: Is 43 Ariadne a bright asteroid?
A: Yes, 43 Ariadne is described as a bright asteroid.