What is the 3rd millennium BC?
Q: What is the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The 3rd millennium BC is a period of time that spans from the Early to the Middle Bronze Age.
Q: What was common during the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The desire to conquer was common during the 3rd millennium BC.
Q: Where did the expansion occur during the 3rd millennium BC?
A: Expansion occurred throughout the Middle East and throughout Eurasia, with Indo-European expansion to Anatolia, Europe, and Central Asia.
Q: What happened to the civilization of Ancient Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The civilization of Ancient Egypt rose to a peak with the Old Kingdom during the 3rd millennium BC.
Q: What was the estimated world population during the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The world population is estimated to have doubled in the course of the millennium to 30 million people during the 3rd millennium BC.
Q: What ages were included in the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The Early to the Middle Bronze Age were the ages that were included in the 3rd millennium BC.
Q: What events occurred during the 3rd millennium BC?
A: The desire to conquer was common, expansion occurred, the civilization of Ancient Egypt reached its peak, and the world population is estimated to have doubled during the 3rd millennium BC.