When did the 20th century begin and end?

Q: When did the 20th century begin and end?

A: The 20th century began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000.

Q: What were some significant events that occurred during the 20th century?

A: The 20th century saw two world wars, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, the coming of the telephone, sound recording, film and television, airplanes, atomic weapons, genetics and DNA, computers and electronics in general.

Q: What major advancements in science and technology occurred during the 20th century?

A: Science and industrialization spread; medicine became more scientific. The 20th century saw advancements in genetics and DNA, as well as the invention of the first computers and electronics.

Q: How did the human population change during the 20th century?

A: The human population increased more during the 20th century than any previous one.

Q: How did medicine change during the 20th century?

A: Medicine became more scientific and saw advancements in medical technology and treatment options.

Q: What was the impact of the Soviet Union on the 20th century?

A: The Soviet Union rose to power and then fell during the 20th century, which had a significant impact on global politics and international relations.

Q: What were some transformative technological advancements that occurred during the 20th century?

A: The 20th century saw transformative technological advancements, such as sound recording, film and television, airplanes, atomic weapons, and the first computers and electronics.

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