Who adopted the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence?

Q: Who adopted the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence?

A: The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence was adopted by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government Assembly of Kosovo.

Q: When was the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence adopted?

A: The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence was adopted on 17 February 2008.

Q: What did the Kosovo declaration of independence declare?

A: The Kosovo declaration of independence declared Kosovo to be independent from Serbia.

Q: How many members were present when the Kosovo declaration of independence was adopted?

A: All of the 109 members that were present adopted the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Q: Was the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence the first declaration of independence by Kosovo's Albanian-majority political institutions?

A: No, the first declaration of independence by Kosovo's Albanian-majority political institutions was proclaimed on 7 September 1990.

Q: What was the stance of the government of Serbia on the Kosovo declaration of independence?

A: The government of Serbia said that the Kosovo declaration of independence was illegal.

Q: What did the International Court of Justice say about the Kosovo declaration of independence?

A: The International Court of Justice said that the Kosovo declaration of independence did not violate international law.

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