Who were the main candidates in the 2007 French presidential election?
Q: Who were the main candidates in the 2007 French presidential election?
A: The main candidates in the 2007 French presidential election were Arlette Laguiller from Lutte Ouvrière, Nicolas Sarkozy from the Union for a Popular Movement, Ségolène Royal from the Socialist Party, François Bayrou from the Union for French Democracy, Jean-Marie Le Pen from the National Front, Olivier Besancenot from the Revolutionary Communist League, Philippe de Villiers from the Movement for France, Marie-George Buffet from the French Communist Party, Dominique Voynet from The Greens, José Bové, Frédéric Nihous from Hunting, Fishing, Nature and Tradition and Gérard Schivardi from Workers' Party.
Q: Who was incumbent president at this time?
A: At this time Jacques Chirac was incumbent president.
Q: When did this election take place?
A: This election took place on 21–22 April and 5–6 May 2007.
Q: What percentage of votes did Nicolas Sarkozy win in round one of voting?
A: In round one of voting Nicolas Sarkozy won 31.2% of votes.
Q: What percentage of votes did Ségolène Royal win in round one of voting?
A: In round one of voting Ségolène Royal won 25.9% of votes.
Q: Who won overall in this election?
A: Overall Nicolas Sarkozy won with 53.1% of votes in round two of voting.