What is Bhimber District?

Q: What is Bhimber District?

A: Bhimber District is the southernmost of the eight districts of Azad Kashmir.

Q: What is the area of Bhimber District?

A: The area of Bhimber District is 1516km².

Q: What are the Latitude and Longitude of Bhimber District?

A: The Latitude of Bhimber District is between 32-48 to 33-34 and the Longitude is between 73.55 to 74-45.

Q: Where is the chief town of Bhimber District located?

A: The chief town of Bhimber District is located in Bhimber.

Q: What is the official language of Bhimber District?

A: The official language of Bhimber District is Urdu.

Q: What is the population of Bhimber District?

A: There is no information provided about the population of Bhimber District.

Q: What are some attractions in Bhimber District?

A: There is no information provided about the attractions in Bhimber District.

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