What year was 1617?
Q: What year was 1617?
A: 1617.
Q: What type of year was 1617?
A: 1617 was a common year.
Q: What day did 1617 start on in the Gregorian calendar?
A: 1617 started on a Sunday in the Gregorian calendar.
Q: What day did 1617 start on in the Julian calendar?
A: 1617 started on a Wednesday in the 10-day slower Julian calendar.
Q: Was 1617 a leap year?
A: There is no information provided whether or not 1617 was a leap year.
Q: When did the Gregorian calendar come into effect?
A: The Gregorian calendar came into effect on October 4, 1582.
Q: What is the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendar?
A: The Gregorian calendar is more accurate than the Julian calendar because it has a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400.