When was 1613?

Q: When was 1613?

A: 1613 was a year.

Q: What day did 1613 start?

A: 1613 started on a Tuesday in the Gregorian calendar.

Q: What is the full name of the calendar 1613 started on?

A: 1613 started on the Gregorian calendar.

Q: What kind of year was 1613 in the Julian calendar?

A: 1613 was a common year in the Julian calendar.

Q: What was the difference between the start of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars in 1613?

A: The start of the year in the Gregorian calendar in 1613 was on a Tuesday, while in the Julian calendar it was on a Friday.

Q: Was 1613 a leap year?

A: It is not mentioned in the text whether 1613 was a leap year or not.

Q: How many days slower was the Julian calendar compared to the Gregorian calendar in 1613?

A: The Julian calendar was 10 days slower than the Gregorian calendar in 1613.

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