What were the Ziegfeld Follies?

Q: What were the Ziegfeld Follies?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies were a series of theatrical productions on Broadway in New York City.

Q: When were the Ziegfeld Follies held?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies were held from 1907 through 1931, with renewals in 1934 and 1936.

Q: What was the inspiration behind the Ziegfeld Follies?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies were inspired by the Folies Bergère of Paris.

Q: Who conceived and mounted the Ziegfeld Follies?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies were conceived and mounted by Florenz Ziegfeld.

Q: Who were the show producers of the Ziegfeld Follies?

A: The show producers of the Ziegfeld Follies were Klaw & Erlanger, who were the top turn-of-the-twentieth-century showmen.

Q: Where were the Ziegfeld Follies held?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies were held on Broadway in New York City.

Q: When did the Ziegfeld Follies renewals happen?

A: The Ziegfeld Follies renewals happened in 1934 and 1936.

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