Who were the Zealots?
Q: Who were the Zealots?
A: The Zealots were a group of Jews who wanted to defeat the Romans in Palestine at the same time as Jesus.
Q: How did the Zealots want to achieve their goals?
A: The Zealots used violence to meet their goals.
Q: Was any of the Twelve Apostles a Zealot?
A: Yes, Simon, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, was a Zealot.
Q: What is the modern usage of the word "zealot"?
A: In modern English, the word "zealot" is used for any person who has a very strong idea about things and works hard to act upon their ideas.
Q: Are there only political and religious zealots?
A: No, people can be "zealous" about other things also.
Q: Can a person who is "zealous" about something be called a "zealot"?
A: No, to be called a "zealot" the person must have a strong idea about things and works hard to act upon their ideas using violence.
Q: Did the Zealots succeed in defeating the Romans?
A: No, the Zealots did not succeed in defeating the Romans.