What is the name of Ariana Grande's debut studio album?
Q: What is the name of Ariana Grande's debut studio album?
A: The name of Ariana Grande's debut studio album is Yours Truly.
Q: When was Yours Truly released?
A: Yours Truly was released in September 2013.
Q: How did Yours Truly perform on the US Billboard 200?
A: Yours Truly debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200.
Q: How many copies were sold in its opening week?
A: 138,000 copies were sold in its opening week.
Q: In which countries did it reach a top-ten position?
A: Internationally, the album reached the top-ten position in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Q: How many copies had been sold as of April 2018?
A: As of April 2018, 596,000 copies had been sold in the US.