Who previously lived in York Cottage?

Q: Who previously lived in York Cottage?

A: King George V and Queen Mary lived in York Cottage previously when they were Duke and Duchess of York.

Q: What is the current use of York Cottage?

A: York Cottage is currently being used as the Estate Office for Sandringham House. Some of the building is also used as flats for estate employees and holiday accommodation.

Q: When did King George V and Queen Mary get married?

A: King George V and Queen Mary got married in 1893.

Q: What is the historical significance of York Cottage?

A: York Cottage holds historical significance as it was the home of King George V and Queen Mary prior to their ascension to the throne.

Q: Can the public visit York Cottage?

A: York Cottage is not open to the public for visits as it is currently in use as the Estate Office for Sandringham House.

Q: Who is currently residing in York Cottage?

A: Some of the building is currently being used as holiday accommodation for estate employees, but it is not known exactly who is currently residing in York Cottage.

Q: Is York Cottage a popular tourist attraction?

A: York Cottage is not a popular tourist attraction due to it not being open to the public.

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