What is yield in economics?

Q: What is yield in economics?

A: Yield is how much money somebody is paid each year for leaving his or her money invested somewhere.

Q: Is yield like a corporate dividend?

A: Unlike a corporate dividend, yield is fairly certain unless there is a bankruptcy.

Q: Does yield differ because of inflation?

A: Yields can be different because of inflation.

Q: What are the order of the risks from the least risky to the most risky instruments?

A: The least risky instruments like treasury bonds yield the least, then safe and "guaranteed" instruments like long-term deposits, then overnight deposits, and so on to the various municipal bond and corporate bonds.

Q: What are extremely risky instruments with high yield called?

A: Extremely risky instruments with high yield are usually called junk bonds.

Q: How much money does someone usually know they are going to make from their yield?

A: Somebody usually knows how much money they are going to make from their yield ahead of time.

Q: Is yield risk-free?

A: Yield is not completely risk-free, but it is fairly certain.

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