What are Yamato kotoba?
Q: What are Yamato kotoba?
A: Yamato kotoba are words that are native to the Japanese language.
Q: What is the Chinese based name for Yamato kotoba?
A: The Chinese based name for Yamato kotoba is wago.
Q: What are the three main sources of Japanese words?
A: The three main sources of Japanese words are Yamato kotoba, kango, and gairaigo.
Q: What are kango?
A: Kango are Chinese loanwords in Japanese.
Q: What are gairaigo?
A: Gairaigo are loanwords borrowed from languages other than Chinese, especially English since the post-WWII era.
Q: How is Yamato kotoba different from kango and gairaigo?
A: Yamato kotoba is native to the Japanese language, while kango and gairaigo are loanwords from other languages.
Q: How is Yamato kotoba used compared to kango and gairaigo?
A: Yamato kotoba is used for everyday vocabulary, while kango and gairaigo are used for more formal situations and specialized terms, usually in writing.