What is WWE Raw?

Q: What is WWE Raw?

A: WWE Raw is a professional wrestling television program made by WWE in 1993.

Q: Which day is WWE Raw aired on?

A: WWE Raw is aired on Monday nights.

Q: Is WWE Raw considered as WWE's flagship program?

A: Yes, WWE Raw is usually seen as WWE's flagship program over its sister programs, WWE SmackDown, WWE NXT, and WWE Main Event.

Q: Why is WWE Raw considered WWE's flagship program?

A: WWE Raw is considered as WWE's flagship program due to its longer history and the way it is promoted.

Q: When was WWE Raw first aired?

A: WWE Raw was first aired in 1993.

Q: Which other programs are associated with WWE?

A: WWE SmackDown, WWE NXT, and WWE Main Event are sister programs associated with WWE.

Q: What is the difference between WWE Raw and its sister programs?

A: WWE Raw is seen as WWE's flagship program due to its longer history and the way it is promoted, while its sister programs such as WWE SmackDown, WWE NXT, and WWE Main Event have a shorter history and are not as heavily promoted as WWE Raw.

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