What is Wonder Stories?

Q: What is Wonder Stories?

A: Wonder Stories is an early American science fiction magazine.

Q: Who started Wonder Stories?

A: Hugo Gernsback started Wonder Stories.

Q: Did Hugo Gernsback have another science fiction magazine before starting Wonder Stories?

A: Yes, he lost control of his first science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories.

Q: When were Air Wonder Stories and Science Wonder Stories merged?

A: Air Wonder Stories and Science Wonder Stories were merged in 1930 as Wonder Stories.

Q: How long did Wonder Stories continue under Ned Pines at Beacon Publications?

A: Thrilling Wonder Stories, which was Wonder Stories retitled, continued for nearly 20 years under Ned Pines at Beacon Publications.

Q: Who were the editors under Gernsback's ownership of Wonder Stories?

A: The editors under Gernsback's ownership were David Lasser, who worked hard to improve the quality of the fiction, and Charles Hornig from mid-1933.

Q: When was the last issue of Wonder Stories and what happened to its title?

A: The last issue of Wonder Stories was dated Winter 1955, and the title was then merged with another of Pines' science fiction magazines, Startling Stories.

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